Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Homemade Avocado Ice Cream

My talented neighbor/coworker made avocado ice cream using the avocados from the tree in her yard. The taste is a perfect mixture of sweet and tart yogurt with avocado. Yum!

Roasted Summer Squash

Purchased a basketful of summer squash from the local farmer's market and roasted them for lunch tomorrow. I love how they taste so savory after roasting!

Monday, July 25, 2011

Wristlet Wallets

Now that I have some down time till my next running event, I plan on completing more sewing projects and, perhaps, baking French macarons. Here's a prototype wristlet wallet I completed this evening. I plan on making more of these.

I Am a Runner Because I Run

I ran the Santa Cruz Wharf to Wharf, a 10K distance, yesterday. This is my first time completing a race of this distance and I am really proud of myself. I was really nervous in the beginning because there were so many people crowding around the Santa Cruz Beach Boardwalk start line. I think the number of people was intimidating as it countered my training experience. My training consists of idyllic, coastal runs on the Bay Trail with a cooling bay breeze on my face and only the sound of the wind and my footsteps to keep me company. Being so nervous, I ended up using the porta-potties twice before the race started. Once it started, the horde slowly moved towards the start line and I heard someone to my left jokingly "moo." Once at the start, I started picking up my feet and ran. Only, we couldn't run so far and so fast because we had to maneuver past all the slower runners and walkers that were in the way. What an interesting way to run, similar to driving a car in traffic under a strong impatient impulse. I kept looking over my shoulder and swerving between people making sure I wasn't going to pummel over anybody. My body temperature rose pretty quickly early on, despite being next to the coast and I pretty much had to force myself to work throughout the entire event. The first 2 miles, I felt energetic, mostly due to the need to maneuver around people. By about mile 4, I could feel my left knee bothering me. I kept running, albeit at a slower pace. I trailed behind Albert by a few yards and he would keep looking back to make sure I was within sight. At mile 5, I picked up my pace and joined alongside Albert. We greeted each other.

"My left knee."
"My right ankle."

And that was the extent of our talk. Once we saw the mile 6 sign, I could feel my energy kicking in again (I wish my runner's high kicked it at the beginning!) and I leaned forward to force my feet to go faster. At the last 100 yards, I raised my hands above my head in a victory sign for the cameras. Then Albert and I held hands and we crossed the finish line together.

A friend asked me, "When did you get into running?" About a year ago, Albert and Jim completed the San Francisco Half Marathon. Going to the SF Marathon convention and seeing both Albert and Jim at the finish line was so inspiring to me. Seeing so many people derive pleasure and joy in something so simple as running was intriguing. Doesn't it hurt? Isn't it a lot of work? Can you really have a good time running? Yes, yes, and yes!

I've been running on and off for about a year. In the beginning, I wasn't so committed. I probably ran consistently for the first month and a half and then stopped for several months. I never ran during the winter except once with Jim and that sucked because Jim has a faster pace than me and he will push you. After that I probably didn't run again until I moved in May. Around that time, I started running once or twice a week and swimming at the local indoor pool on my off days. Sometimes I'd swim more than run, sometimes vice versa. I started running with Albert on the weekends as a way to spend time with him while allowing him to do something physically active. In the beginning I couldn't keep up with Albert; I'd get winded too fast or he'd run on ahead of me, which was somewhat discouraging. Eventually, I realized that running was something to work towards. Albert remarked how energetic I was running up a hill. I started practicing a mid-foot strike, which gave me more energy. And finally, during a solo 4.7 mile run (my longest distance at that time) I felt it. The runner's high! Endorphins rushing through me - my body felt great! I thought to myself, "I could do this forever!" And that was when I became hooked.

Since then, I realize that I have my own style, energy, and personality when I run and I've learned to relish it. I like to run up hills even though it's tiring. Leaning into the downhill portion of a run is a blast as long as your feet can keep up. And when your body gets aches and pains, you take care of it and let it rest while acknowledging the work that is needed on those areas.

The first time I realized I became a runner was when I was looking at my tank top that had the line, "I am a runner because I run." printed on the inside hem. It's so simple, but it is true. So now that I can bask in the glory of finishing a 10K, I'm looking forward to resting my body up and the next run. I'm deciding between the Warrior Dash in Hollister and/or the Gladiator Run in Pasadena.

Friday, July 22, 2011

Eri Sugimoto Pottery

Wanted to share some pottery that Albert purchased from the SF Renegade Craft Fair. These two pottery pieces (not the owl, mind you) were made by Eri Sugimoto. Aren't they lovely?

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Watashi Wa...Couch Desu

Yes, you certainly are! Everyone, my new couch. Couch, everyone. Now y'all can come on over and sit down! And look how awesome that fox looks on the couch! (Btw, that fox was purchased from the SF Renegade Craft Fair.)

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

The Dirty Somethings

Ran another 5K obstacle course with friends in Irvine. They seem to get easier and easier the more you do them. Unlike the Warrior Dash, this one focused mostly on mud, which provided a much needed means for cooling oneself whilst running. Our team name was The Dirty Somethings with an individual name for each person. I was Dirty Turbo (because I couldn't think of anything and because the idea of being called Turbo makes me giggle. Next time, I'll go with Dirty Schmutzdecke.) Thanks for sharing these pics, Kressler!

Monday, July 11, 2011

Dressed Up: SoCal in NorCal

After going on a run with Albert, I felt like dressing up to go to 99 Ranch. (Yes, I know how silly that is, but whatever. I'll do what I feel like.) I consider this outfit to be very SoCal - skinny jeans, wedge shoes, oversized top, jewelry. The only thing that would complete this would be if I did my hair and had a face full of MAC makeup. (J/K, kinda.)

This is a close-up of my necklace. I scored this at the Renegade Craft Fair from Flea Market Girl.

My new wedge shoes. These are Clarks and they are pretty darn comfortable for heels. (I actually sorta gave up wearing heels a long time ago, but I'm slowing bringing them back into my repertoire.)

I got this bag from the Renegade Craft Fair last year. Not too sure what it is supposed to read. "I Godzilla SF?" "I terrorize SF?" "I rawr-ve SF?"

Fort Mason, SF

Visited the Renegade Craft Fair at Fort Mason, SF again this year. Spent a lot more money on items for myself and gifts for other people. I was actually pretty proud of myself for recognizing several booths from Etsy or other blogs. Albert says it is as if I've been shopping for a long time, but sprung for it when it was most convenient (and no shipping necessary)! I'll post some pictures of Albert's and my purchases later. For now, enjoy the look of Fort Mason.

Without the vignette effect

With the vignette effect! Sorry for the not-so-straight horizon line.

On the Bridge

Albert and I visited On the Bridge, the little Japanese restaurant located on the bridge that connects the two main buildings at the Japan Town Plaza in SF. You know when you've had a full day and you're hungry with a craving for X food? That's how we were that day and the food we got totally hit the spot!

Albert's curry udon with sunny side up egg

My tonkatsu curry don with over hard egg.

I also ended up downing two UCC Coffees and am anxiously awaiting for the renewed importing of milk teas.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Pending Living Room

I must finish my living room, but I've run out of steam for the time being. These are some items I've bookmarked in Etsy. Etsy has become my go-to source for inspiration and wants.

Pipe corner shelf

Vintage industrial military crate

Danish modern style coffee table

Button back sofa

Sunshine rug

Hedgehog planter